Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I feel (am?) happy.

My days are full of light and laugh.
I call it happiness. Then, I try to understand happiness, and that is a mistake.

I am happy! It seems as if I am content, but I am sure it is not the same. I can be happy and immersed in big distress at the same time. This seems an impossible feat, but is true. What I cannot be is content while immerse in big distress, then, happiness and contentment are not the same thing!

If I look into the word meaning: Content comes from a family of words that express delimitation as in Contain, so when I am content I am restrained to myself which in turn makes me feel satisfied with the environment: I am into myself and that's all I need.

What about happy? Its means, chance occurrence, comes from the old word hap as chance, as in luck, an archaic form of good fortune. This is something broader than content.

We usually get confused and when sad we think we are unhappy. Far from it! Sadness is that feeling derived from unpleasantness and this latter is a by product of our selfishness.

Yes, I hear my own brain crying: I am not selfish, (am I ?) so your last definition is not true since I feel sad now and again and I am not selfish.

But then again, my brain is wrong.

If I were not selfish I would be dead since long ago, and when I analyze the reasons I feel sad I always find it is because something is out of the order I want to put the world in!

Reasons to be sad: this business, which I am interested in, went wrong, my health is not as I would like it to be, my best friend betrayed me, the government is making my life miserable, I feel sorry about a problem my neighbor has, you name it, we cannot get around "me" "my", or "I", it is the subject! The situation just revolve around my poor dissatisfied self. Then, how do you define this situation?, undoubtedly: «self centered».

What makes it complicated is that this is not an abnormal behavior, the world spin around our self, we can only grasp any meaning through our body and mind, that is our self; and express our feelings through our mind and body, which is... yes you guessed it!

There is a difference between what I just wrote and happiness, the latter is totally independent from feelings, I may be sad but perfectly happy...

Come again? Spell this oxymoron!

To be happy is a way, a trail, not an end, you do not feel happy, you are happy and only in this context can you recognize happiness as a method of life, even I dare say we can decide to be happy, no matter what!

When you are contented, in the etymological sense of the word, you are held as a whole, you are neither excised not divided and you know your wholeness. You are satisfied, but are happy?

The base of happiness, is not contentment, but of course, we can realize that if we are basically happy (a soul status), being content is easily recognized since happiness is the natural base for our feelings so we readily accept our content (a mind status, a feeling), that thing that makes us feel whole.

This psychological structure makes us aware of a real surprising fact: once you have happiness tightly sitting as the base in the core of your self, it can support several different feelings, such as: joy, elation, rejoicing, delight, sadness, depression, despondency, apathy, despair, and in the middle of all these feelings you still are happy!

Of course, it is easier to let our feelings command our life and think we "feel" happy or miserable following the whims of our hormones or our responses to reality. It is easier but it is pointless, our stupid frenzy in the face of our feelings or facing reality moves us around as a crazy leaf in an uncontrolled gale and in the heat of our wanton desires, the yearning for things, tangibles or abstracts, disorderly craved and in haste, rules our life leaving us exhausted and disgusted; never satisfied, always confused about ourselves.

Then we *feel* unhappy, but this is a feeling, we are not unhappy, we are unsatisfied, discontent, even angry and revolted at the reality we are living with, that is true, but in that environment as unlikely as it may seem we can be happy simply because happiness finds its being in itself, forgetting "desires" and "wants".

Yes, it is difficult for us (pampered by our actual way of life, where everything points to get whatever we want "right now"), to ignore the advice of media to use "the right" to live our own life "now", wasting our efforts running behind "newly created" needs by a society that think nothing of (or worse yet, despise) duties and responsibilities.

So we put our selves first, leaving behind everybody else, even those we owe natural care: sons, daughters and relatives. All this is easily seen in the way we express when we try to say something about ourselves and some other person: "me and Pete". Just look who goes first!

This manner of being is a sure way to be unhappy even if we get everything we want since there is a small (but crucial) thing we leave out: "the moral right to be human" otherwise said: Love

© 2007 Soother.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

I love Opera and Elf

Reflecting over my last blogs titled «I love Opera, I and II» Elf commented smugly:

-You had a long tirade but I am not sure you made your point! Anyway, you do not need to strive anymore, I can understand where you are driving at.

-You can, can you?! I asked sarcastically.

-Yes, he went on undeterred by my remark, look, what you try to say is that music must be an imbricated slatebody into the tissues of your being. But it always is!, if it is not then you have just noise, maybe coherent, ordered noise, but just noise! Now, who can judge when this noise start to gain the state of music in your awareness?
-You asked me, he kept pressing, if your mind is yours, well, to your surprise you will find that your mind is of your hormones, your internal organs and the external environment more than yours in the sense that you are the driver of most things yours and as in the case of a car, you can tell it where to go, but little or nothing can you tell the motor how to obtain energy. This it does just by the way it is done and following the health of each of its parts!
So does your mind, you can try and develop deep thoughts about any subject, but that’s all, if you are ill or distracted by anything in your body or environment your mind will react accordingly. This is true, believe me! And… where does this leave us?… under new unpredictable reactions!

Elf seemed buried in deep thoughts, his eyes were veiled and he looked as in a trance.

-You know, he went on, this is not just coincidence, it was done so as to keep your free will in a highly unstable environment…

Suddenly, he seemed to recover, his eyes returned to their normal brightness and with a bashful smile (something outlandish on his countenance) he said almost in a whisper:

-Oh! forget it!

-What I mean, kept going the gnome recovering totally, is that you are talking about something you have no knowledge about, from the control room of your mind (that is you, the person) your feelings “seem” to react to all those things the way you described, and of course, they do. It is true, absolutely true you feel it so. But, and this is a BIG BUT, you cannot project these perceptions as a mathematical equation over the rest of human beings. You see, the beauty of it?!

I was totally confused, didn’t know what was he talking about and so I said:

-No I don’t, and what are talking about?!

-Please, Elf seemed hurt, try and be intelligent! I am talking about how people react to music and how any one has control of “some” part of the surrounding space and personal reactions! You seem so sure that those “raucous kindled voices, high pitched noises, and repeated beat” cannot awake subtle, inherent feelings because they don’t in yourself, but you forget where those feelings come from. You can talk about yourself but never about other people sensations!

I was astounded. How can an Elf, and one who lives in MY MIND know about the production of feelings in other people minds!

I inhaled deeply and counter attacked.

-What do you know about other people feelings?, barely can reach and learn about my feelings since you live immersed in them, but…

-Stop it! Elf was deadly serious and with his little hand showing his palm toward my mind-eyes.
-Stop it! he repeated. The one who knows nothing is you! Can you tell me who am I?, or, for that matter, can you tell me who YOU are? He looked real mad, I’ve never seen him like that.

-When you open judgement over some other people, the sprite went on, what you are doing is wrong. I know, it is a kind of emotional elation to find your tastes are part of what is called “superior cultural environment” and you do not relish in those other common based fancies that do not belong into this definition, but it is only because of the egregious ego you, all of you human beings, possess since the… err… ehem… Well, never mind! but remember! You are NOT better than anyone else only because you are more knowledgeable, more educated, more beautiful or more whatever than those anyone elses…

I was dumbfounded, my mind was making a big effort to understand what was the little puck talking about, egregious ego? possessed since… when? Was he really preaching on me? So:

-Are you preaching on me? I said making believe as much rage as I could muster, but still bewildered enough as not to be mad, only trying not to loose ground through my own confusion.

-Preach?!… preach?! he was getting dark red on the rim of his pointed ears, what the heck you talking about?

Well, at least he was asking the same I asked him a while ago!

-I am not preaching no one! (here we go, you know, when mad he forget his grammar), I am stating a fact and showing to your smug face those things you make better and… wrong! Sure, you like Opera better’n other music, so what? it is wonderful, I know it, to feel those things you describe, but it is so only because you are made as you are made! What if other people like Heavy Metal?, they may or they may not feel the same but that is not determined by knowledge, education, beauty or anything else, the final reason is hormonal, environmental and lastly slightly touched by the mind’s owner psyche. So, stop feeling the need to be the Knight of Music. Just show your tastes, explain them to others and let anyone else decide what they like or not!

Another balloon punctured! this darn Elf is always successful when it means to destroy well concocted theories. OK, Opera is better than anything else… to me! In the ultimate stage, who am I to decide there are better art in one expression in detriment of another? I had to recognize Elf is right and even if deep inside myself I still “knew” or better “know” Opera is the only way to enjoy music, I couldn’t say it was a generic feeling. As always, our estrangement from one another makes human beings so difficult to fathom with our own measures. Even if a word means the same to anyone, not always that “same” is equally understood by everybody.

© 2007 Soother.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I want MY mind! (or there ain’t no rogue electron)

Elf was rummaging into the notion archive.

I approached him to see what was he doing and heard him chuckle.

-Laughing at me as usual? I asked in good mood.

He looked up and I saw that undoubtedly impish look in his eyes. This is a proof of his unspeakable thoughts and undoubtedly deviated behavior!

-Ah, here you are, he said grandly with a big grin and assessing me from mindhead to mindtoes.

-Of course here I am! I said somewhat peevishly, feeling my good mood ooze out while I looked at his ironic face and listened to his sarcastic commentary,where else? This is MY mind!

-Less than you think of, I assure you m’lad, less than you think of, he retorted with that infuriating pose of a Celtic gnome who knows it all he used to adopt when teasing me!

-Now what!, I felt to rise in my… well, in my mind the usual rage I feel when he start to make me look like a child, are you going to tell me MY mind isn’t mine?

-No, no, just let this subject drop waiting for a better moment, what I meant to say is that reading with time and serenity I can appraise the involuntary good sense you displayed talking about that “accidental electron”, do you remember? Yes, I remembered, and I remembered the disturbed speechless countenance of Elf when I finished my relation. That picture of his confused face was enough to make me recover my good mood.

-Yeah, I said with a big grin of my own, I remember! You were bewildered no end!

-Naturally I was bewildered! I never, not even for a second, thought you would deploy the old theory of the primeval soup! Never thought you could, not even remotely, know about its existence. I thought you would talk about some nonsense in an electrical gadget!

-Electrical gadget, my foot! I hurled at him a comma I found in the floor, lost undoubtedly from some of my thoughts mixed up by Elf!

-Whaddayou think, I cannot live other life than that between my electrical gadgets? That I cannot know about the Princeton Gnosis? that I never was exposed to all those theories about how, when, why and by whom, if anyone, was life developed in this planet?

-Now, steam off, will you? I am telling you I appreciate the involuntary good sense you displayed talking about the “accidental electron”! he interjected, I was a bit confused, I didn’t know if feel insulted or flattered.

-You see, continued my nemesis, you were trying to state one of those petty theories of agnostic and atheists and when I asked where was God in this brainy hypothesis, you answered, with the involuntary knowledge implanted in your core, something to the effect that He was intervening somewhat to make the theory work. This small comment of yours is enough to show what is a real truth: humankind will work thousands of theories trying to elude the concept of a superior being but will also let out from its deep foundation, without even knowing it, the crucial belief of the undeniable need of the existence of a creator.

I consider this unusual speech.

-I cannot deny your postulation, I finally said, also, I cannot vouch for it so clearly. But some entries ago I said something about this idea and the vacuum inside any and all human individuals.

-Exactly! Some of you (and they are not as many as so noisy that it seems as if everybody agrees with them, which is far from the truth since most human beings believe, and many of them even state that there must be a creator for all these marvels around us that we can see, hear or detect somehow and of those we can’t) some of you I said, want to spread the insane idea of an “accidental” or “chance creation”, similar to that of the monkey and its typewriter (or should I say Personal Computer), where with time and patient the little animal can produce a sonnet similar or identical to any of those written by Shakespeare!

I didn’t know what to say, so I just stare at him dumbfounded, it was so out of character all this tirade!

But he looked comfortable expounding all these abstract concepts that I just let him go on.

-The mathematical odds of this happening are staggering. Now, if we follow Sir Arthur Conan Doyle advice in the mouth of Sherlock Holmes: “Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.”, then we can safely accept the old, old Aristotelian concept of an immobile motor which has and is bringing into being all other things in the Universe! And rest at easy, I can asseverate it is true!

-You can?… What do you mean, you can?… How can you?… What are you talking about?…

Elf fled from my questions and made him scarce between a good and a bad idea…

© 2007 Soother.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Faith, that jolting experience (II)

When you find a person who believes the deity is a constant and real presence, you find a rare phenomenon in the soul of this person (yes, supposing the soul exists; if you feel awkward with this notion you can call it whatever you want since there is no doubt that an intangible “something” lives inside our heart, skull, or mind that we call “I”).

The first surprising fact you find when you look close to the beliefs “owned” by this religious person is that those beliefs are a certainty, the person “knows” God exists, “knows” He is in charge and “knows” that despite the unsecured sight we have of the world at large, there is a Plan, a Design to be followed up to a Happy End, childish as this seems.

This surprising fact is the basal stone which has maintained religious Faith alive through so many years since the first of us opened the eyes to the wonderful sense of being aware of the difference between the rest of the world and that sentience called “I”! This “knowing” fills up the vacuum in our soul so aplenty that life takes a new and wonderful meaning.

The mystics, who have experienced the sense of the divine, are so strongly attached to the anchor of belief that it is a certainty. And, wonder of wonder, those whose experience were not mystic develop a strange certainty almost as strong as that of the mystics.

What makes all this possible? How can a person “create” something so incredibly wonderful? Theologians’ explanation is that no person create it since it is too big a notion as to be thought by a human being, so what?, well, as incredible as it may seem, the explanation states that it was revealed by the owner of every space in the Universe, included souls, God Himself. Agnostics sustain it is a psychological reaction. Choose the one you like more.

The simple fact that every one of the creatures are so tightly bonded to the Creator can develop a strong and secure sense as to close the gates to insecurity and vulnerability.

Be this true or not, this Faith moves mountains and makes people better in their own ways since it removes the need to be defensive and guarded against the imponderable.

Compared to desacralized Faith this is Ambrosia, this is the Golden Fleece, this is the Shangri-la every one of us dreams about!

Unfortunately, these different “Faiths” have, as anything else in the universe, a dark side we know too well. Three mistakes named:

Fanaticism, fundamentalism, bigotry.

Deeply seated in those insecure feelings we develop in life facing uncertainties is the need to keep secure our beliefs; those beliefs that give us a harbour for our fears, when our Faith is not based on something as strong as a God, or if you prefer as good as a psychological reaction, we feel threatened and anything that menace those beliefs are a menace to us, personally.

We “must” fight all and everything departing our paths. This fight is a distortion of real Faith. This gives birth to those three mistakes mentioned above and through them a myriad of errors, cruel actions, and dreadful attitudes.

Starting from this narrow lane of thought humankind had divided into factions, each faction had created new concepts to keep its needs addressed and, of course, as those concepts are not the same since the veneer of knowledge, intelligence, and culture are different, even those factions near enough to share some beliefs are far enough to dissent on basic things and way of thoughts.

This is true in both situations. Scientific and religious beliefs have its divisions, and each one of them its followers, developing, by the way, many different manners of defining the same thing and a rejection, sometimes brutal rejection, of any definition not agreeable to theirs.

This is the well known, not written, principle that states we must destroy everything we do not understand or see different to us and our ways.

Difference is not wrong, WE are different in the manner of puzzle pieces, if we just take the place we are designed to, the image appears clear and beautiful. But that is not the case, we think the image MUST be as we imagine it is, following our principles and beliefs (aka, tainted Faith, since it is tainted by our own ideas or those inherited), so if we find a different piece in our puzzle, we try to cut and warp it to conform our idea of the whole, destroying that “different” piece in the process and thinking we did it a good turn.

We prefer to kill, since it guaranty there would be no remonstrance from that quarter, instead of trying to understand each other and be very much alive, as it was meant since we are born.

There is a long way to walk yet for humankind to accept differences, and with it faith as a reality as concrete as to produce actual facts, my guess is we will reach that stage but it would take many, many individual casualties to make humankind shine in its own glow.

© 2007 Soother.

Faith, that jolting experience. (I)

We live in an agnostic world in the best case, or in a nihilistic one in the worst.

This seems the current definition of our western society nowadays, but it is far from the truth.
We cannot deny there is a strong tendency to create a concrete world, based on science (whatever this means) and where everybody who do not toe the line to these beliefs is considered crazy, simpleton or moron and must be left behind with no one glance back, a kind of ostracism if you do not “equal” the herd model. This is effective with teenagers and some adults in need of a self-esteem booster.

This culture tries its best to keep humankind with the feet on solid earth, I am sure its followers are absolutely convinced they are right and performing a good deed. The question here is about what difference they make on reality.

When you make an exhaustive analysis of this phenomenon you find in a surprising way that, despite the efforts realized to keep everything accounted for, we are dealing with a huge slice of that thing most dreaded by unbelievers: Faith.

From long ago in the western religious fields Faith is one of the three theological virtues: Faith - Hope - Charity. The order was not aleatory. Faith opens the way to mystic environment where, based in Hope, will find the final Charity (Absolute Love). This seems to be an unacceptable way to achieve things and knowledge in this world without faith, but…

What is the path to achieve knowledge in the actual world?

Premise - Test - Evidence.

These are the three virtues of science; as a complement of this path, anyone can walk it and repeat exactly the same situations and conclusions.

Now, few of us can follow this path since we have not the training to do so. So what are we really doing? We believe the scientists are saying the truth, we have, hrrmm… sorry, faith in their work.

Here you go! The world is based on faith, or it will not work, it is impossible for us, all of us, to test and prove everything and anything.

If we do not develop an open mind we restrain ourselves to narrow paths and clearly set close boundaries to our learning.

Something cannot be proved by a set of concrete rules? Well, maybe it does not exist or maybe it does but cannot be proven by a set of concrete rules! This open-minded feeling should be the gist of agnosticism, not the “not believe until proven” which is the demanding action of these days.

We must remember that if this “open-minded” business is good in itself, it is subjective.
You have never seen a ghost… they do not exist for you. Right! I agree.
You live in a haunted house… and ghosts go bumping in the night, they are very real to you. Right! I agree.

Listening to many agnostics, one would imagine that this appeal to authority as a criterion is unscientific, though perhaps nowhere is authority appealed to so unscientifically as by modern scientists and modern critics.

Now, can you tell me why should I accept “scientific” faith and not “religious” faith?
I can hear your answer: “Because whatever a scientist said can be proved… (I add) by another scientist!”. What about me; I am no scientist, so I must believe whatever scientists say.
Cool! I agree.

Now again, whatever any mystic says can be proved… by another mystic! What about me; I am not mystic, so I must believe whatever mystics say!
Cool! I agree.

Despite my thought may seem “unscientific” I think we are attaching too much belief to science and too little to religion. And it is not just coincidence but causality. Since the famous (often misquoted) statement from Marx about the “opium of the people”, we are riding a crusade backward, doing the same thing crusaders did against those infidels but now against those faithful.

And we must not forget that for each agnostic abusing a faithful there is a faithful abusing an agnostic, fundamentalism does not help in any field!

From a psychiatric point of view, human beings are very much as a vacuum box, this vacuum is the outcome of the poor control we have over ourselves and our environment.

Notwithstanding all the efforts we have exerted since we become aware of being alive we cannot predict a small event in the next seconds of our time with absolute certitude. Oh yes, we can, with a grade of exactitude written in the unreliable laws of statistics, say what is going to happen but there always is a number, sometime a large one, of variables that must be left out of our equation since we cannot, even with a computer, manage them all.

And yes, maybe in the future we will be able to do so, but not now, which is the time I am interested in since I am not sure (there we go about predictions) if I will be alive the next five seconds.

We can see we cannot master our person or our environment so we feel: insecure.

We know we are in the maelstrom of events that can change our life in seconds; this is the essence of our feeling insecure, unsafe, and vulnerable. This condition is what creates the vacuum in our core; this vacuum is a strong need to find a safe harbour, a place where everything is accounted for and make us feel sure of ourselves and our environment.

This vacuum attracts anything that can promise, not even give the certainty, but only the promise of that certitude, of that safe feeling of being secure. Hence the need to believe in something, anything, so we start to take Nature (capital N), Science, People, Anything, Nothing as the fulcrum of our beliefs, and use the lever to assert our insecurities.

In recapitulation, we have two paths in our secular Faith: we believe what we want to believe or we believe nothing at all!

So much for desacralized Faith!

Now, just for the sake of balance let’s review the opposite, sacralized Faith, this somewhat discredited path, but let make separate room for it.

(to be continued)

© 2007 Soother.

I love Opera «Second note»

Music can help you to perform the difficult movement of walking in a new environment, no rat race, no need to be first. Unfortunately, not all music is suitable, the raucous kindled voices, the high pitched noises, the repeated beat with no purpose only adds to the irrational race I was talking above. I am not disqualifying this music, you are entitled to like it, I only say that from my standpoint only serve to the purpose of herding and helping to push forward the need to run fast toward nowhere, again this is from my perspective, I can accept that we humans are different enough as not to think alike.

Besides, to an untrained ear, I mean an ear not used to listen Opera, not an “educated” ear, the human voice, the best musical instrument in the Universe, can be ugly. There are various pitches we must train our ear to differentiate before we can enjoy the thrill of music blended into voices.

Once you are lucky enough to have conquered with effort those first steps, you must try to learn what is happening on the stage, maybe most of it is a melodrama but so is life, too.

Why learn this?, simple put: because that is the only way to understand OPERA and the pathos in the characters.

Even if these steps seems difficult, the reward is the best thing that can happen to a person. As it is in real life, whatever you get without effort gives no reward or worse, we seem to acknowledge that the easy acquiring takes away value to the prize.

From passion strong feelings pour, which are diffusely cradled in the powerful arms of music and voice, if you can share the “pain” in Lucia when she has lost her reason broken by the sheer power of sorrow and despair, the words “Il dolce suono” (The sweet dream”) take a new and deep meaning that justify her actions before the “Scena de la follia” (Mad scene), the loving cadence of her voice accompanying the deluded thoughts of true love are movingly human in the inhuman madness that invaded her.

This cannot be explained; as sex and mysticism you must live them to understand their meaning, and to live sex, mysticism and feelings as those of Lucia you must make an effort which can leave you exhausted, even if totally satisfied. Your sentience as much as your body are depleted and at the same time replete with everything a human being can desire.

Maybe you can tell me you feel like that after sex, mystic experience or any music concert but I can assure you we may be using the same words but not the same meaning or feelings!

© 2007 Soother.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I Love Opera! «First note»

I love Opera!

This seems a strange thing in these days and time. How many Opera lovers can you find in the several billions people who inhabit this, our hapless planet?

Our seal, I mean human beings in general, our seal seems to be the confused, mixed, blatant noises; the confused, mixed, blatant actions in growing speed, if you breath you lose, if you blink you are left behind, we must go, Go, GO! never mind grasping what is going on around us, no time for that! We must reach the future before it reaches us and becomes long past and use it just as a propeller for the next step into future.

When time overtake us and we find we are not fit anymore for the athletic feats that filled all the time of our life we find our hands empty, maybe some of us reached the shores of the American Dream, but, and this is arguable, the only thing they have is wealth, poor and stupid wealth with no significance when the line of end is near.

Now, if you could stop and think a bit, lose a small part of the immense wealth you are pursuing since you learned to read the words “one dollar”, then there is hope to fulfil a rich experience in life…

Opera is not a popular music genre. It cannot be. Society as a gregarious group presents a difficult way of living, the bigger the group the greater the competition. This situation demands so much of an individual that any other requirement is to ask too much.

The need of music and lyrics that help people find a way to raise their thresholds on suffering and let them be lost in any kind of ecstasy, in rapturous delight; that separate them from the hard reality, IS a strong need, but that music must be undemanding, able to dull feelings into a kind of stupor that conceal the piercing pain of actuality.

Opera is just the opposite, it tells melodramatic stories, with tortured characters full of pathos and pain, the “real” reality, (except in what is known as “opera buffa“, that is, comic opera which are just a little part of the whole) but the music is the redeemer. When you accept the hurting feelings from those acting, the drama as normal since so is life too, and let music seeps into the tissue of your soul, then OPERA is the only way to set you free, to stir, to shake you into a magic world of bliss and joy without creating a fantasy world for a while nor dampening your human feelings.

Maybe this introduction makes you recoil from Opera or maybe it opens a small crevice of curiosity.

(to be continued)

© 2007 Soother.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ecco un filosofo! (Ranting)

Standing erect to his full foot height and sending me an ironic kiss with the palm of his right arm, Elf pronounced:

-Ecco un filosofo! [Here, a philosopher!]

He had this glitter in his eyes, sign of some mischief ahead.

-Please, I pleaded knowing it was useless, do not try to emulate Tosca, will you?!

He was quoting a slightly changed line from the Opera where Floria Tosca cry:

Ecco un artista! [Here, an artist],

thinking her beloved Mario feigned very well his falling in front a shooting squad before she realized he was actually shot to dead.

You see the implications!

-Please, don’t be ridiculous, I was trying shame him into silence.

-Ridiculous, ridiculous my butt! he was not shamed and never will be, you know who is ri-dic-u-lous? he marked the word (syllable separation is mine, he is not able to recognize what a syllable is!!), You are ri-dic-u-lous!!! Thinking all those inebriated little thoughts about Honesty!

-I am not ridiculous, and there are no little thoughts in my thinking! I was affronted! I was pretty proud about my disquisitions on so deep a subject, I know I am not a philosopher, but I can think, by Jove!

-You are, too!

-No, I am not, period!

-No? ask anyone what can they make of this sentence:

"facts, I try to define, are as certain as thoughts but difficult to understand in its ontological reality."

this only a small instance! And it was not enough one note but you need three to say nothing at all!

-How can you argue with an empty mind, I said and immediately regretted saying it, I was being venomous and should have restrained myself, there is no point insulting people… or goblins for that matter!

He seemed not affected by my words or anger.

-Now look, life is simple if you can let your hands open, the moment you fold your fingers to grab someting or to turn your hand into a fist is when things get complex!

-Well, that is what I wrote, I said, surprised to see he has understood my meaning.

-So, why didn’t you said it so instead of writing so many elaborated and difficult sentences? It took me just so many words to define your thoughts!

He had a point there! what were my reasons? self complacency? Trying to show off my “knowledge”, but nobody read this, of course it stays online and… Oh, well, maybe there is all that and more selfish feelings. Phew! this darned imp always find a way to puncture my ego balloon. Maybe he really is doing his job to lead the way, as he always points out!

I felt like Tosca over Mario’s dead body, looking down to my dead ego! Darn it all! He knew what he was saying when called at me: Ecco un filosofo…! Only I didn’t jump over the battlement of the Sant’Angelo Castle nor dare to tease Elf with the sentence “Avante Dio”…

© 2007 Soother.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Honesty! «Third & Last Note»    (Soliloquies)

From the beginning of time Philosophy and Religion, on different roads of knowledge, have tried to “remake” humankind ethos following the simple rule of concordance, a kind of psychological action-reaction, “do unto others as you like others to do unto you”, if it makes any sense, but the internal force that define a human being as such is just the opposite: “be as you like and prevent other to be as they like”.

This seems uncouth and barbarian but it is the core of survival, “domination” does not guarantee survival but it “seems” to be the right way to it, a common ground where most human beings find themselves trying to rule, lead, and impose over others, even in small matters.

We may recognize in this need to be “the ruler”, in the reasons we have to justify the need, a kind of fallen nature in humankind, fallen nature in the sense of making sure the survival of the species but of our own self primarily, this drive is common with all species, any individual try to save life in the event more life can be procreated but what differs is motivation.

Not a single creature, with the exception of human beings, thinks in the importance of the self, only our kind try to preserve life through our own person.

This fallen nature comes, is said, from our special awareness of the difference between “right” and “wrong”, which is the leverage to prompt a misconception on the idea that anything right for us personally is the only right thing generally speaking.

There is a trend to align this feeling with the sense of insecurity, lack of stability, or sense of inadequacy humankind found to be its companion through the millennia lived on this planet.

This supposed fallen nature in humankind suppresses any and all possibilities to find a recognizable and ontological definition for this triad (and many other abstract concepts) and will continue doing so while human beings do not find the real meaning of the tissue we call reality, moreover, only after comprising this meaning into the real sense of survival as a whole entity, not as an “enlightened” isolated being but as many personal psyches within a unique essence, is possible to envision an answer.

Even then, after a real understanding of reality, we must find the way to work from the outside of this reality to start glimpsing the primeval rags of Truth, Honesty and Love.

Possibly the major surprise will come from the fact that Love encompass all others.

This premise must have been whispered into human ears in the first steps of our awareness, we do not know its source, but it is easily understood that it could not come from the natural “feelings” humankind could find or “concoct” by itself since we are aware that our, so called, fallen nature would prevent anything that could suggest to help a neighbor in detriment of the “inner personality”.

Each instance known of the occurrence of an action contravening this law written in our core makes us separate the transgressor from our “normal” behavior and we see that person in a higher moral level.

This attitude seems to point toward a possible change for the better for humankind in a far future.

© 2007 Soother.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Honesty! «Second note»     (Soliloquies)

The complex interacting forces between the subconscious being and the soul, supposing subconscious being and soul exist, (in the event they do not, there must be something to replace them since we have experience of the existence of subtle forces working in the inner layers of our understanding of reality, you may call them mind and intuition or brain and instinct), then, the complex interacting forces between subconscious being, soul, and our conscious mind work in the same system we call our reality.

The fact that this reality may be very different from one human being to another does not affect the outcome because the subject is concomitant with the stage, and the stage is what the same subject, in a proper manner, develops based on the facts reality shows to the subject's understanding. All this shaded by the inner capabilities each one of us "receive" at birth. The difference between recognizing a red thing and knowing what red is, applies here.

This being of ours, immersed in our reality, invalidate any intent of explanation we can think of Honesty, Truth, and Love. All these explanations will be tinted with the implant of our being alive (perception of reality), of our culture, of our vast or small knowledge of ourselves and the world in general.

Confucius, from my viewpoint and with due respect, is not the only one trying to oversimplify the notion starting from a sophism, or maybe from a warped rule of true understanding what "being good" means. He stated his thoughts in words that a human mind can understand but cannot translate into deeds since the ancestral power that moves humankind is just its own survival, a powerful self-centered drive that rules out any concept, idea, or perception out of those boundaries.

This survival force overrides any other law and, being a whole with no crevices, it cannot be severed, fractured or divided in parts because it only exists in its own wholeness. Only if we seek and attain a way to nullify this strong force of "life" and found intellectual reasons strong enough to keep the survival "howl" that live inside our deep self quiet and mute, it is possible to find the road to honesty, truth and love (lower case words), which put us near enough but not there yet!

(to be continued)

© 2007 Soother.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Honesty! «First note»     (Soliloquies)

Honesty is one of the triad also composed by Truth and Love.

Rivers of ink, and now electronic beams, if I can use use this over trod sentence followed by a new concept, have flowed in the intent to explain this trinity.

In the basic principle of Life it is impossible for humankind to learn the meaning of any of those three words. Weird enough is that we know the words, they belong in a different realm, we are too self centered a species as to have a remote conception of their significance. We can experience the outcome of their existence but, as elusive deities, we never can "see" their faces.

The first fallacy rest in the belief that honesty is simple. The second is our recognition of facts, sayings, and acts as we believe them to be. On this ground there exist as many Honesty as human beings on Earth. The same is true, no pun intended, with Truth and Love.

The simple fact that we MUST use our own faculties to "interpret" the meaning and span of our thoughts and acts, puts us in the handicap of a very much known experiment in Physics: It is not possible to change or interact with any part of a system from inside the same system. Otherwise said: You cannot raise your body holding yourself from your ankles.

Other way to represent this situation is to consider Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle: If you try to measure the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time you will find that uncertainties, or imprecisions, always turn up.

This Physics' law reinserts itself into Philosophy and when you try to use the minimum knowledge humans have acquired through time, despite the huge dimension of that acquired knowledge and despite the reluctance to accept it as it is, just a small atom in a minuscule drop of the ocean of awareness and learning, when you try to interpret or, worse yet, to understand the implied forces in abstract concepts like that of Honesty (this is the same with Truth, Love, and many others), imprecisions arise, and those imprecisions are managed by the subjective elegance of personal knowledge, cultural background, and inner taste, determined by the facility we find in our "own personality" to elucidate and accept the "facts" found in, again, our observations.

Here again, we are trying to understand the same system that contains us and the "facts" contained in the system. Facts; as "certain" as the definition of a colour, where we have concordance about what thing is red, but we cannot understand what red, as an abstraction, is in our own perception and much less to compare it with some other person's perception; facts, I try to define, are as certain as thoughts but difficult to understand in its ontological reality .

These conditions determine the impossibility of a true understanding, no matter how much we learn in time. This growing knowledge will only be part of the same whole system that contains us and as I wrote above, the "facts" found in our observations; there is a small hope in the belief that sentience is something outside from the "real" world but this, up to this moment, pertains to the realm of mystical spiritualism and is out of the reach of science.

(to be continued)

© 2007 Soother.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Time and its whims...         (Soliloquies)

Coming down to it, time is like sand, it slides between the fingers as fast as a silk scarf, faster I would say. ¿Where have I heard this before?

Last year July seems a place so far away, but I cannot recollect how it was it went away while I was just moving within business as usual.

Then your eyes get clear, down comes the veil and you are astounded seeing that almost a year had disappeared in the sands of time... I am sandy, today!

Never mind, I'll be back, trying to keep this "worthy" soliloquies, ranting and beliefs alive, even if now it may seem an unnecessary bout but maybe in time somebody, somehow, will find all these scattered thoughts useful.

So, don't despair, sweet soul, I will follow the trail...

© 2007 Soother.