Monday, March 19, 2007

Honesty! «Second note»     (Soliloquies)

The complex interacting forces between the subconscious being and the soul, supposing subconscious being and soul exist, (in the event they do not, there must be something to replace them since we have experience of the existence of subtle forces working in the inner layers of our understanding of reality, you may call them mind and intuition or brain and instinct), then, the complex interacting forces between subconscious being, soul, and our conscious mind work in the same system we call our reality.

The fact that this reality may be very different from one human being to another does not affect the outcome because the subject is concomitant with the stage, and the stage is what the same subject, in a proper manner, develops based on the facts reality shows to the subject's understanding. All this shaded by the inner capabilities each one of us "receive" at birth. The difference between recognizing a red thing and knowing what red is, applies here.

This being of ours, immersed in our reality, invalidate any intent of explanation we can think of Honesty, Truth, and Love. All these explanations will be tinted with the implant of our being alive (perception of reality), of our culture, of our vast or small knowledge of ourselves and the world in general.

Confucius, from my viewpoint and with due respect, is not the only one trying to oversimplify the notion starting from a sophism, or maybe from a warped rule of true understanding what "being good" means. He stated his thoughts in words that a human mind can understand but cannot translate into deeds since the ancestral power that moves humankind is just its own survival, a powerful self-centered drive that rules out any concept, idea, or perception out of those boundaries.

This survival force overrides any other law and, being a whole with no crevices, it cannot be severed, fractured or divided in parts because it only exists in its own wholeness. Only if we seek and attain a way to nullify this strong force of "life" and found intellectual reasons strong enough to keep the survival "howl" that live inside our deep self quiet and mute, it is possible to find the road to honesty, truth and love (lower case words), which put us near enough but not there yet!

(to be continued)

© 2007 Soother.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Honesty! «First note»     (Soliloquies)

Honesty is one of the triad also composed by Truth and Love.

Rivers of ink, and now electronic beams, if I can use use this over trod sentence followed by a new concept, have flowed in the intent to explain this trinity.

In the basic principle of Life it is impossible for humankind to learn the meaning of any of those three words. Weird enough is that we know the words, they belong in a different realm, we are too self centered a species as to have a remote conception of their significance. We can experience the outcome of their existence but, as elusive deities, we never can "see" their faces.

The first fallacy rest in the belief that honesty is simple. The second is our recognition of facts, sayings, and acts as we believe them to be. On this ground there exist as many Honesty as human beings on Earth. The same is true, no pun intended, with Truth and Love.

The simple fact that we MUST use our own faculties to "interpret" the meaning and span of our thoughts and acts, puts us in the handicap of a very much known experiment in Physics: It is not possible to change or interact with any part of a system from inside the same system. Otherwise said: You cannot raise your body holding yourself from your ankles.

Other way to represent this situation is to consider Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle: If you try to measure the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time you will find that uncertainties, or imprecisions, always turn up.

This Physics' law reinserts itself into Philosophy and when you try to use the minimum knowledge humans have acquired through time, despite the huge dimension of that acquired knowledge and despite the reluctance to accept it as it is, just a small atom in a minuscule drop of the ocean of awareness and learning, when you try to interpret or, worse yet, to understand the implied forces in abstract concepts like that of Honesty (this is the same with Truth, Love, and many others), imprecisions arise, and those imprecisions are managed by the subjective elegance of personal knowledge, cultural background, and inner taste, determined by the facility we find in our "own personality" to elucidate and accept the "facts" found in, again, our observations.

Here again, we are trying to understand the same system that contains us and the "facts" contained in the system. Facts; as "certain" as the definition of a colour, where we have concordance about what thing is red, but we cannot understand what red, as an abstraction, is in our own perception and much less to compare it with some other person's perception; facts, I try to define, are as certain as thoughts but difficult to understand in its ontological reality .

These conditions determine the impossibility of a true understanding, no matter how much we learn in time. This growing knowledge will only be part of the same whole system that contains us and as I wrote above, the "facts" found in our observations; there is a small hope in the belief that sentience is something outside from the "real" world but this, up to this moment, pertains to the realm of mystical spiritualism and is out of the reach of science.

(to be continued)

© 2007 Soother.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Time and its whims...         (Soliloquies)

Coming down to it, time is like sand, it slides between the fingers as fast as a silk scarf, faster I would say. ¿Where have I heard this before?

Last year July seems a place so far away, but I cannot recollect how it was it went away while I was just moving within business as usual.

Then your eyes get clear, down comes the veil and you are astounded seeing that almost a year had disappeared in the sands of time... I am sandy, today!

Never mind, I'll be back, trying to keep this "worthy" soliloquies, ranting and beliefs alive, even if now it may seem an unnecessary bout but maybe in time somebody, somehow, will find all these scattered thoughts useful.

So, don't despair, sweet soul, I will follow the trail...

© 2007 Soother.