Tuesday, April 04, 2006

At sea, far away        (Soliloquies)

This was home for some time
Free space, great view of the sea, fish, salty smells, and waves.

Ninety five miles from mainland and solitude make the day to day chores important.

A babel of Portuguese, Indonesian, Chinese, Thai, some German, a tbsp of Spanish, several flavors of English... and Pidgin, of course, when you could not find any other tool for communication.

Sometimes, father Poseidon wanted to know what were those weird biped doing on the platform, so it raised tall waves, asked Eolo to roar with high gales, and Zeus to send rain as a heavy curtain and thunderbolts to see better. Awesome and scary, those who were not working on the deck ran downstairs to the cozy and covered entrails of the platform.

When the full moon started to rise on a calm sea everybody was on the deck, it was (is) a sacred view. Casta diva in her pure splendor.

I wondered many times, we were coarse, hard men toiling in a difficult and dangerous task but the mystic of a full moon mesmerized us as if we were a bunch of poets with a sensible soul, but then again, maybe we were and we had it.

© 2007 Soother.

1 comment:

Balqis DBJ said...

Od, I laugh reading this post again. It's as though mixed vegetables are tossed in a big bowl and added with good dressing.

It's fun, right, being able to mix and work with people of various backgrounds. Pidgin languages are common in this situation.